Lotsa changes for the 3C’s! “Girl Chris” and “Boy Chris” are going back to school! I have decided that I am going to quit thinking about becoming a RN and just do it. Actions speak louder than words, right? So, it’s gonna be a bit chaotic for a while, but I know that it will pay off in the future. Chris is going back for another master’s degree (not a typo) that will enable him to further his career. In the meantime, I have also began working full-time, too! Did I mention our lives are about to be CRAZY?!?! My Dad always told me that idle time is the Devil’s workshop…oh so true for me!
Anyways, Cannon got super jealous when we were chatting about school, so he decided that he wanted to go, too. He LOVES to eat books and we think that proves he going to be so smart! He is going to the Big, Little School. Here is the link, check it out!
Cannon already will be the best dressed little dude in his class…he definitely has the coolest camo with skull/crossbones diaperbag, which is also his "back pack!" (Thanks, Gigi!)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Ready for Football Season!!!

A weekend family outing to Academy turned into a game of "dress-up" for Daddy and Cannon. I think this game is generally played by girls, but when it's football helmet and shoulder pads I assume it's a "guy-thing." If Cannon's huge smile indicates he is gonna love playing football, I will be his biggest cheerleader! However, this smile could be from his diaper leaking everywhere and he is smiling because it's getting Daddy all wet, too! Only Cannon knows the truth and he's not telling!
Cannon's New Cousin is Here!
Miss Peyton Grace has decided to "grace" us with her presence…finally! I just want to brag and show what pretty babies we have in our family…these pics are from her 1st photoshoot and she looks too plump & precious…but look at her Mommy…phenomenial! All of the Bartholomews are doing great and Miss Emily is being a BIG help to her Mommy and LOVES her little sister…Aww…we can’t wait to make a roadtrip to Georgetown to visit!

I would like to take a minute to brag, brag, brag…
-She was at the hospital every single day I was there, usually with Zoe’s in-hand.
-She was at our house, cleaning, making bottles, washing clothes, and “stealing” Cannon so I could get a shower and take a nap all the time.
-She took Cannon to the Houston Zoo for the very first time. (and trip to the bar, too. Hello BIG Woodrow’s!)
-Paid for endless meals to get Mom & baby out of the house…sushi, Zoe’s, Starbucks, Chuy’s, crawfish, etc. (I swear to reciprocate one day!)
-She bought him the coolest ginormous frame from Mommy’s favorite store, The Monogram Shop, for his baptism present setting her back at least a Comcast bill or two…
-FREE Babysitting all the time! (watched him for the very first time, while Chris and I went to a couple’s shower)
-Always willing to “hang out” at our house and “stay in” to get to hang out with the Thompsons…pretty much poolside grilling 24/7 and 90210 marathons! Thank goodness for Soapnet!
There is so much more to add to the list, but don’t want to inflate the Cougar’s head too much, but I just want her to realize what an extremely intricate part of our family circle she is and how much she means to all the 3C’s. We LOVE her so much and Cannon is the LUCKIEST kid in the entire world to have a such a sweet COUGAR to call his very own.
Meet Mr. Giraffe!
Cannon is crawling everywhere and getting into everything…his favorite toy at this moment is his Mr. Giraffe. (and Mr. Sock Monkey, Spot, etc.) We aren’t too crazy with naming our favorite plush friends, unlike Miss Emily Addison who recently named her Stegasaurus “Rhinestone.” (Rhinestone joins Ol’ Miss Mary, Bama, and Otis) Such fabulous original names!
Mr. Giraffe teaches Cannon to pull-up, stand-up, and “feed” the plastic balls in his mouth…Well, Cannon prefers to pull up and shake his booty to the ridiculous circus’ish music, oh well! Hours of fun!
Mr. Giraffe teaches Cannon to pull-up, stand-up, and “feed” the plastic balls in his mouth…Well, Cannon prefers to pull up and shake his booty to the ridiculous circus’ish music, oh well! Hours of fun!
Cannon's GodSister...Miss Abby Zito
Cannon's Godparents finally had a baby…ok, so they rescued a puppy. But, I am so thankful because it’s given Cannon a "bestie." (mine is his Auntie Claire)
He LOVES playing outside with Abby and she is so sweet with him. Abby is by far the most laid puppy, ever. She allows Cannon to crawl all over her, pull her ears, and attempt to eat her alive…all the while, with a big happy puppy-smile. MaryCatherine took these pics one afternoon while “saving the day.” She had a fun afternoon with Cannon and Abby outside in the backyard. Precious. (Cannon is in LOVE with his God Mommy and their gorgeous new home, especially the big, backyard.) I forsee, lotsa bbq’s and parties in that yard in years to come! We are so blessed to have the Zitos in our family!
He LOVES playing outside with Abby and she is so sweet with him. Abby is by far the most laid puppy, ever. She allows Cannon to crawl all over her, pull her ears, and attempt to eat her alive…all the while, with a big happy puppy-smile. MaryCatherine took these pics one afternoon while “saving the day.” She had a fun afternoon with Cannon and Abby outside in the backyard. Precious. (Cannon is in LOVE with his God Mommy and their gorgeous new home, especially the big, backyard.) I forsee, lotsa bbq’s and parties in that yard in years to come! We are so blessed to have the Zitos in our family!
"Hey Babe, It's the 4th of July..."

I HEART that Shooter song. Cannon’s very 1st Fourth of July was extremely festive and patriotic! Of course, I forced him to wear a white/blue striped terrycloth zip-up poolside and then to the fireworks we topped it (literally) with a red wide-brimmed hat, precious! His Auntie Val made a delicious and healthy 4th-themed berry cake that looked like the American Flag and it was delicious! We celebrated at the newly engaged, soon-to-be Dyers’ mansion. We grilled burgers and hotdogs and relaxed poolside. Coincidentially, the Dyers have a patriotic painted longhorn as long décor where I found a perfect photo op. Cute! Cannon LOVED the pool and fell asleep during the fireworks. How does a kid sleep through fireworks?!? I guess it was way passed his bedtime because he was so sleepy...Aww…My red, white, and blue baby was pooped! (and got a bit too much sun, too!)
Let's go to Luckenbach, Texas...(and Hunt, too!)
Cannon is "On the Road, again..." with Willie, Waylon, and the boys...
He LOVED Luckenbach and drinkin' a few coldies with his Daddy...actually, Dad drinks and Cannon sucks on the cool glass bottle. (When you have a teething baby, you live by the motto "Whatever Works!")
After Luckenbach, we road-triped to Hunt, Texas. Absolutely beautiful. We stayed at this gorgeous house on the river that had private access to the Guadalupe. Cannon is such a water baby and a river rat for sure! He loved tubing with us and chilling in the water. Not to mention naps under a big tree, which allowed the adults to partake in some fun.
He LOVED Luckenbach and drinkin' a few coldies with his Daddy...actually, Dad drinks and Cannon sucks on the cool glass bottle. (When you have a teething baby, you live by the motto "Whatever Works!")
After Luckenbach, we road-triped to Hunt, Texas. Absolutely beautiful. We stayed at this gorgeous house on the river that had private access to the Guadalupe. Cannon is such a water baby and a river rat for sure! He loved tubing with us and chilling in the water. Not to mention naps under a big tree, which allowed the adults to partake in some fun.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
You Scream, I Scream...

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