I preface this entry and whole heartedly admit that we did NOT document this evening with the intended photo coverage that we had planned on. Shame on us!!! I blame it on us being completely pooped…and me drinking way entirely too much chardonnay! (Thanks, Graham!) As tired as we were, Cannon was definitely ready to open more gifts…and he did! Santa definitely repeated another felony on Sugarberry Court, littering their living room with toys galore! He got so much great stuff, especially his very own Red Rider wagon, puzzles, toys, clothes...even drumsticks, thanks! (hehehe!) I swear that boy is so so so spoiled, I know I keep repeating, but it’s oh-so very true. We need to move very very very soon to house all our “stuff!” It’s no secret that I LOVE to consistently give good loot to The Salvation Army, but it’s getting ridiculous. I keep the really nice stuff and sentimental, but seriously he has so much very very uber-cool stuff, he is only lucky boy. I think his Grandparents are MOST definitely to blame…(I can’t blame Chris and me!) I think both sets of Grandparents would gladly claim they are responsible for this!
Cannon is definitely NOT the only one who is spoiled rotten…Chris and I made out like bandits, too! All I can say is…thank you, thank you, thank you! All of our gifts were so sweet, thoughtful, and perfect! My favorite was my cupcake tin (so perfect!) and my big ol’ bag from my FAVORITE store, Anthropologie. I know Chris LOVES his safe and stuff, too. We both were so thankful for all of our gifts…
So, enough “present” talk…I want to say there is something about Christmas that will always make me feel so energetic, alive, elated, and loved. I am not sure I am clearly portraying what I want to say, but will do my very best. I am sad the holidays are over. I love the smell of Warm Cinnabuns (Tyler Candle) burning while wrapping presents, I love shopping and finding that perfect gift for a loved one, sing Christmas carols at the top of my lungs with Cannon in tow, putting up Christmas décor with Chris while sipping wine, wearing our ridiculous matching pj’s and taking photos in front of the tree, simply being all together with the family all day and all nite long, hearing Chris say on our road trip back to reality how blessed we are and how this Christmas was better than the last, helping my Mommy cook in the kitchen, watching my Dad, husband, and son have quality time together...The holidays make me glow, completely euphoric time for me. I love that feeling and always wish they were longer, but know that I will get to unpack that favorite ornament again in a mere 12 months, listen to Bing “Walking In a Winter Wonderland”, and make gingersnaps with my Mom very very soon.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
"Fah-la-la...", Our Second Christmas!!! (Part 1)
Our second Christmas as a threesome was one to remember. All I can say is Cannon LOVES Christmas music. (Thank you Aunt Claire for a fabulous X-mas music montage, but Page’s purchase from Pier 1 def was #1!) Cannon LOVES Kellie Pickler’s Santa Baby. I swear the kid drops it likes it’s hot and shakes that little booty as soon as he hears it, it’s hysterical. His Gigi sings it to him 24/7, so I think between the repetition and mere mention of Santa in the lyrics he LOVES it so much!
So, I will start at the very beginning…
On Christmas eve we decided to go to the early service as a family, we were dressed to the “9’s”…my boys looked so handsome. Cannon wore his brand new New Balance tennis shoes and was loving the extra cushion and traction on the soles. There was definitely an extra bounce in his step…keep in mind. his walk often resembles a drunk midget so he is not the most “stable” walker on the block. As soon as the service started, goldfish no longer kept him occupied and he was ready to run. So, Chris excused himself and walked him to the hallway to let our little filly run. I couldn’t stay put without my boys, so I followed… We stood on opposite ends of the hallway and let Cannon run back and forth to both Mommy and Daddy. During Lap #5 there was a CRASH…followed by a CRY! Our boy bit the dust…and his lip. So, our first family trip ended with an injury. Literally, we were in church for about 15 minutes…total. So, now looking at all these pics you can see our little man’s first fat lip, time to celebrate! (I am blaming Balderach!) Lucky for us, he is tough and I don’t think it bothered him for more than 5 minutes. Just hurt his Mommy to see her baby boy hurt…
Later in the evening, we ate too many tamales (NOT from Bob’s Tacos), Mark’s signature chili (Thanks Marlboro!), and queso. Delish! Sandra arrived with Tyler in tow about dinnertime and the boys were so happy to see each other and fight for their Popper’s attention…and Sandra’s scarf. Too funny! Cannon is so into super soft stuff right now…he snuggles with Mr. Blankie when he is completely awake just to feel how super soft it is. I think it’s a comfort-thang, but who knows?!? So, we all put on our matching pj’s and went to bed…waiting and hoping Santa would come…and he most definitely did!!!
We all woke up Christmas morning to a smaller version of Toys R Us in my parent’s living room, it was completely littered with toys, perfectly wrapped presents, and stockings. Cannon and Tyler cleaned house! Their matching cozy coupes parked right next to each other were definitely a hit! Now, Cannon’s has a little Buccee’s sticker on the back so we can differentiate them. The Red Rider wagon awesome and we bundled up the boys after breakfast for a chilly ride. They resembled snow babies and were precious. Tyler preferred to push the wagon, while Cannon enjoyed the ride. Cannon got so much stuff…lotsa books, Handy (Chuck’s little brother), trucks, clothes, monogrammed Pottery Barn chair, fold-up chair for the beach, cute personalized handmade stool, and so much more…I am forgetting lots, I know! It’s no secret that when you become a Mom, the focus is off of you and all about baby. After all, it’s supposed to be! But, I have to brag…just a teeny bit about how thoughtful my husband was this Christmas… His thoughtfulness and gifts brought me to tears. He put a sweet homemade love letter, a gift certificate for a mani/pedi, haircut & color, along with some Nike jogging shorts that I LOVE. Of course, he did it in his completely unique style… He wrapped in a box with duck tape and threw in a brick to add weight and throw me completely off guard…and while I would have picked “normal” colored shorts…he chose to get me ones that matched Texas Tech’s home game and away games uniform colors. Too hysterical. I was truly expecting nothing. I swear I really don’t give him the credit he deserves. He does so much for us, he is a great husband and phenomenal father. (Hello New Year’s Resolutions…#1. Be more thankful for what I have!)
Christmas Day consisted of playing with toys, eating, eating, playing with toys, eating…etc. My Mommy made the BEST Christmas dinner (we are choosing to forget our big turkey fiasco, hint: the oven was not on a high enough heat)…so we ate a little later than expected. I swear it was not a big deal whatsoever. We were not starving. I think I consumed at least 50 gingersnaps that day and by the time dinner was served was suffering from a tummy ache, but ate right through it. Go me! The next morning we packed up and hit Hwy 59…off to the Thompsons and to celebrate our 2nd Christmas.
(I think next year we will most likely choose to wake up at our own home on Christmas morning and host a big Christmas breakfast…depending on where we call “home.” I just think it will be fun to really start celebrating with our teeny family and then joining in the festivities with the family for lunch/dinner…who knows?!? We have an entire year to plan!)
So, I will start at the very beginning…
On Christmas eve we decided to go to the early service as a family, we were dressed to the “9’s”…my boys looked so handsome. Cannon wore his brand new New Balance tennis shoes and was loving the extra cushion and traction on the soles. There was definitely an extra bounce in his step…keep in mind. his walk often resembles a drunk midget so he is not the most “stable” walker on the block. As soon as the service started, goldfish no longer kept him occupied and he was ready to run. So, Chris excused himself and walked him to the hallway to let our little filly run. I couldn’t stay put without my boys, so I followed… We stood on opposite ends of the hallway and let Cannon run back and forth to both Mommy and Daddy. During Lap #5 there was a CRASH…followed by a CRY! Our boy bit the dust…and his lip. So, our first family trip ended with an injury. Literally, we were in church for about 15 minutes…total. So, now looking at all these pics you can see our little man’s first fat lip, time to celebrate! (I am blaming Balderach!) Lucky for us, he is tough and I don’t think it bothered him for more than 5 minutes. Just hurt his Mommy to see her baby boy hurt…
Later in the evening, we ate too many tamales (NOT from Bob’s Tacos), Mark’s signature chili (Thanks Marlboro!), and queso. Delish! Sandra arrived with Tyler in tow about dinnertime and the boys were so happy to see each other and fight for their Popper’s attention…and Sandra’s scarf. Too funny! Cannon is so into super soft stuff right now…he snuggles with Mr. Blankie when he is completely awake just to feel how super soft it is. I think it’s a comfort-thang, but who knows?!? So, we all put on our matching pj’s and went to bed…waiting and hoping Santa would come…and he most definitely did!!!
We all woke up Christmas morning to a smaller version of Toys R Us in my parent’s living room, it was completely littered with toys, perfectly wrapped presents, and stockings. Cannon and Tyler cleaned house! Their matching cozy coupes parked right next to each other were definitely a hit! Now, Cannon’s has a little Buccee’s sticker on the back so we can differentiate them. The Red Rider wagon awesome and we bundled up the boys after breakfast for a chilly ride. They resembled snow babies and were precious. Tyler preferred to push the wagon, while Cannon enjoyed the ride. Cannon got so much stuff…lotsa books, Handy (Chuck’s little brother), trucks, clothes, monogrammed Pottery Barn chair, fold-up chair for the beach, cute personalized handmade stool, and so much more…I am forgetting lots, I know! It’s no secret that when you become a Mom, the focus is off of you and all about baby. After all, it’s supposed to be! But, I have to brag…just a teeny bit about how thoughtful my husband was this Christmas… His thoughtfulness and gifts brought me to tears. He put a sweet homemade love letter, a gift certificate for a mani/pedi, haircut & color, along with some Nike jogging shorts that I LOVE. Of course, he did it in his completely unique style… He wrapped in a box with duck tape and threw in a brick to add weight and throw me completely off guard…and while I would have picked “normal” colored shorts…he chose to get me ones that matched Texas Tech’s home game and away games uniform colors. Too hysterical. I was truly expecting nothing. I swear I really don’t give him the credit he deserves. He does so much for us, he is a great husband and phenomenal father. (Hello New Year’s Resolutions…#1. Be more thankful for what I have!)
Christmas Day consisted of playing with toys, eating, eating, playing with toys, eating…etc. My Mommy made the BEST Christmas dinner (we are choosing to forget our big turkey fiasco, hint: the oven was not on a high enough heat)…so we ate a little later than expected. I swear it was not a big deal whatsoever. We were not starving. I think I consumed at least 50 gingersnaps that day and by the time dinner was served was suffering from a tummy ache, but ate right through it. Go me! The next morning we packed up and hit Hwy 59…off to the Thompsons and to celebrate our 2nd Christmas.
(I think next year we will most likely choose to wake up at our own home on Christmas morning and host a big Christmas breakfast…depending on where we call “home.” I just think it will be fun to really start celebrating with our teeny family and then joining in the festivities with the family for lunch/dinner…who knows?!? We have an entire year to plan!)
Monday, November 30, 2009
GEAUX(ing) to New Orleans!!!
This was our very first Turkey Day to celebrate all together because the year before we were a little preoccupied with our little newborn. Chris and I are doing our best to be as fair as can be balancing holidays and spending time with families. So, this year we celebrated Thanksgiving with the Thompsons and decided Christmas Day would be with the Jones’. (we did this because we really want the little ones to be together on Christmas morning with all their loot, too cute!) I was a little over excited because we were also taking a mini-vacation, too! Our first time to leave Texas with Cannon.
Hello New Orleans, Louisiana!
I absolutely LOVE Dada (Chris’ uncle)…apparently Cannon is a bit more skeptical. It turned out to be quite hilarious because as soon as he would make eye contact Cannon would produce ginormous crocodile-sized help and scream in terror! He was scared to death of his Cajun-uncle. First, I have to say THANK YOU so much for your generous hospitality. Dada’s house is nesteled right next to a reserve and blessed to be surrounded by beautiful swamp that won’t be touched for years to come. Chris and I had so much fun just “being there.” We enjoyed long walks around the property, building HUGE fires, cutting the firewood (cheapest marriage counseling, ever!), riding lawnmowers, etc. It was relaxing and the perfect R&R visit.
We decided to take a “day trip” to New Orleans where I did my best to sight Tom Brady, Reggie Bush, Kim Kardashian, Drew Brees…no such luck! I wanted to vote “Brad Pitt for Mayor,” but couldn’t find anywhere to cast my ballot. However, I was introduced to hand grenades, hurricanes, oysters…DELICIOUS! I also tried my best to tell Larry Flint’s girls that what they were doing was most definitely trashy and to “leave the biz.” (After a trip to Pat O’Brian’s patio) I really wanted to go to the cemetery and take pics, but it was pitch black on our way home and you couldn’t make me a billion dollars to enter that cemetery with all the voo-doo stores surrounding it. SCARY…and CREEPY, too!
Our Thanksgiving lunch was so yummy, as you can see Cannon LOVED it too. All, I can say is I LOVE eggplant!!! I had never had it and was a bit skeptical, but it was so good. It was stuffed with shrimp, crawfish, and “stuff.” Hello, calories! Goodbye, diet! Seconds…please!
Thanks Dru & Dada for the perfect Thanksgiving and MUCH needed mini-vacation! We had a lot of fun…let’s do it again next year! And hopefully we will win BIG at Harrah’s!!! (and Dada will get a hug from Cannon…haha!)
We are thankful for so much
-The Truly Thankful 3C’s
…before ending this I have to say that my FAVORITE story about Newey (Chris’ grandma who is in Heaven) is when she said the Thanksgiving Prayer and went on and on and on…thanking the Pilgrims, the Armed Forces, etc. A little too much liquid courage and she told absolutely everyone how thankful she was! LOVE IT! I think I may gladly carry on this tradition next year!
Hello New Orleans, Louisiana!
I absolutely LOVE Dada (Chris’ uncle)…apparently Cannon is a bit more skeptical. It turned out to be quite hilarious because as soon as he would make eye contact Cannon would produce ginormous crocodile-sized help and scream in terror! He was scared to death of his Cajun-uncle. First, I have to say THANK YOU so much for your generous hospitality. Dada’s house is nesteled right next to a reserve and blessed to be surrounded by beautiful swamp that won’t be touched for years to come. Chris and I had so much fun just “being there.” We enjoyed long walks around the property, building HUGE fires, cutting the firewood (cheapest marriage counseling, ever!), riding lawnmowers, etc. It was relaxing and the perfect R&R visit.
We decided to take a “day trip” to New Orleans where I did my best to sight Tom Brady, Reggie Bush, Kim Kardashian, Drew Brees…no such luck! I wanted to vote “Brad Pitt for Mayor,” but couldn’t find anywhere to cast my ballot. However, I was introduced to hand grenades, hurricanes, oysters…DELICIOUS! I also tried my best to tell Larry Flint’s girls that what they were doing was most definitely trashy and to “leave the biz.” (After a trip to Pat O’Brian’s patio) I really wanted to go to the cemetery and take pics, but it was pitch black on our way home and you couldn’t make me a billion dollars to enter that cemetery with all the voo-doo stores surrounding it. SCARY…and CREEPY, too!
Our Thanksgiving lunch was so yummy, as you can see Cannon LOVED it too. All, I can say is I LOVE eggplant!!! I had never had it and was a bit skeptical, but it was so good. It was stuffed with shrimp, crawfish, and “stuff.” Hello, calories! Goodbye, diet! Seconds…please!
Thanks Dru & Dada for the perfect Thanksgiving and MUCH needed mini-vacation! We had a lot of fun…let’s do it again next year! And hopefully we will win BIG at Harrah’s!!! (and Dada will get a hug from Cannon…haha!)
We are thankful for so much
-The Truly Thankful 3C’s
…before ending this I have to say that my FAVORITE story about Newey (Chris’ grandma who is in Heaven) is when she said the Thanksgiving Prayer and went on and on and on…thanking the Pilgrims, the Armed Forces, etc. A little too much liquid courage and she told absolutely everyone how thankful she was! LOVE IT! I think I may gladly carry on this tradition next year!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Birthday Party "Wrap-Up"...
Well, everything was too precious…shocking. Of course, Cannon was TERRIFIED of Santa! So, he chose to sit on Chris’ lap who sat on Santa’s lap having a death-grip on his candy cane. We didn’t feel too embarrassed because many other party goers were a tad afraid of the bearded man, too. Our friend, Carolyn got to sit in Santa’s lap with her little cherub, Cason. I thought it was precious how Cason LOVED the children’s orchestra that was playing Christmas music outside Santa’s workshop and he was def a dancing queen. The award for BEST Santa pic poser def goes to Mr. Peyton Derrick who even smiled, geez! Such a cute pic!
The day before the festivities took place it rained cats & dogs!!! So absolutely everything was soaked. We moved the designated meeting area where we would eat cupcakes and open presents to outside this little restaurant called Puffabelly’s. This proved to be a total success because all the adults were constantly sneaking inside to grab a few adult beverages…
Cannon was a little crabby because of all of his massive molars that were trying to find a home in his teenie mouth, so he wanted to be held constantly...he was the guest of honor. So, he sat in his Grandpa’s lap for most of his party. The fog lifted when the Crave cupcakes came out, Cannon’s face lit up and he devoured them. I think he ate at least 2-3! Hello, Mr. Sugar High! He doesn’t really care of icing, as much as the cake-part, so he “shares” cupcakes with his Mommy who prefers the icing.
I SWEAR our Tahoe resembled Santa’s sleigh with the amount of loot that Cannon got. Wow! What sweet friends and family. He got so much stuff!!! A cute Texas Tech blanket, trucks, cool clothes, and the cutest backpack, ever! He is spoiled rotten…fine by me! Lordy, Christmas is right around the corner!
The day before the festivities took place it rained cats & dogs!!! So absolutely everything was soaked. We moved the designated meeting area where we would eat cupcakes and open presents to outside this little restaurant called Puffabelly’s. This proved to be a total success because all the adults were constantly sneaking inside to grab a few adult beverages…
Cannon was a little crabby because of all of his massive molars that were trying to find a home in his teenie mouth, so he wanted to be held constantly...he was the guest of honor. So, he sat in his Grandpa’s lap for most of his party. The fog lifted when the Crave cupcakes came out, Cannon’s face lit up and he devoured them. I think he ate at least 2-3! Hello, Mr. Sugar High! He doesn’t really care of icing, as much as the cake-part, so he “shares” cupcakes with his Mommy who prefers the icing.
I SWEAR our Tahoe resembled Santa’s sleigh with the amount of loot that Cannon got. Wow! What sweet friends and family. He got so much stuff!!! A cute Texas Tech blanket, trucks, cool clothes, and the cutest backpack, ever! He is spoiled rotten…fine by me! Lordy, Christmas is right around the corner!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Cannon, Cupcakes, & Mr. Claus
This is his birthday theme. Since Cannon’s birthday is so close to the holidays, so we are spreading some holiday cheer with birthday cake, too! The invites are out…Here is a pic, aren’t they too cute?!? I am addicted to Tiny Prints, it’s my favorite on-line stationary. I dream of the day that I own a cute cupcake boutique. I HEART Sugarbabies in Houston and of course, CRAVE, too!
I will be posting pics after the birthday, but here are the details that I sent out with the invite:
Hopefully, you received a cute Tiny Prints invite in the mail...or check your mailbox!
Here are a few more details for Cannon's birthday party...
Ho, Ho, Ho!
Happy Birthday!
Oh my goodness, Cannon is turning 1!
We will be celebrating Cannon’s special day with yummy cupcakes from Crave & Mr. Claus in charming Old Town Spring. We will be taking pictures with Santa and train rides around the “White Christmas” themed North Pole. So, dress in your Holiday season’s best!
Old Town Spring is about 25 minutes north of Houston. Spring is at the end of Spring-Cypress Road (exit 70-A), one mile east of Interstate 45 where Hardy Road crosses the railroad tracks. We will be meeting around Santa’s workshop, look for red & green balloons! After pictures and trainrides, we will move to the courtyard to enjoys cupcakes and goodies!
Please call my cell (713) 249-6533 if you get lost or can't find us...
Lots of Love,
Christopher, Christian, & Cannon
I will be posting pics after the birthday, but here are the details that I sent out with the invite:
Hopefully, you received a cute Tiny Prints invite in the mail...or check your mailbox!
Here are a few more details for Cannon's birthday party...
Ho, Ho, Ho!
Happy Birthday!
Oh my goodness, Cannon is turning 1!
We will be celebrating Cannon’s special day with yummy cupcakes from Crave & Mr. Claus in charming Old Town Spring. We will be taking pictures with Santa and train rides around the “White Christmas” themed North Pole. So, dress in your Holiday season’s best!
Old Town Spring is about 25 minutes north of Houston. Spring is at the end of Spring-Cypress Road (exit 70-A), one mile east of Interstate 45 where Hardy Road crosses the railroad tracks. We will be meeting around Santa’s workshop, look for red & green balloons! After pictures and trainrides, we will move to the courtyard to enjoys cupcakes and goodies!
Please call my cell (713) 249-6533 if you get lost or can't find us...
Lots of Love,
Christopher, Christian, & Cannon
Skull & Crossbones are 100% BOY!!!
I have a boy, so he has to have “boy stuff”…it seems like EVERYTHING he has is camo &/or has skull & crossbones on it, or BOTH! I started this “trend” while he was still in my belly, his uber-chic diaper bag is the COOLEST thing, ever! If I got $1 every time I got a compliment on that bag I would be RICH!!! I got the idea from my make-believe bestie, Donna Martin. Thanks to “Tori & Dean; Home Sweet Hollywood” me & Tara’s FAVORITE show…Tori has taught me so much!!! She has taught me all about boy style, Liam & Cannon will be definitely be buds if we ever move to Hollywood. (Side note: HUGE fan of Mommywood, too!) I doubt that I will ever leave Texas, but if I do, Hello Hollywood! Hehe! A girl can dream…
So, wanted to show off some of my “TOP 5 Favorite Skull & Crossbones Stuff”…and says THANKS, again.
1. DIAPER BAG from Belly & Baby in Corpus Christi, then got it monogrammed. Thanks Chris & Gigi!
2. Crib shoes that are super soft and actually stayed on his chubby little feet. Thanks Gigi!
3. A Rockstar stroller blanket …Thanks Lauren!
4. His Halloween outfit for Gymboree that went under his pumpkin costume. Thanks to ME!!!
5. His pj’s from his super sweet & thoughtful cousin, Tyler. It was his first package he got in the mail!!! (so many milestones!!!)
p.s. His Dad’s #1 would be his onesie that said “Arr…Change Me Booty!” (look at the Valentine’s Day entry, I refer to start posting duplicate pictures)
I am thinking of getting him the Ralph Lauren camo/skull & crossbones décor for his room…when he “graduates” to a big boy bed…Am I taking this to far???
So, wanted to show off some of my “TOP 5 Favorite Skull & Crossbones Stuff”…and says THANKS, again.
1. DIAPER BAG from Belly & Baby in Corpus Christi, then got it monogrammed. Thanks Chris & Gigi!
2. Crib shoes that are super soft and actually stayed on his chubby little feet. Thanks Gigi!
3. A Rockstar stroller blanket …Thanks Lauren!
4. His Halloween outfit for Gymboree that went under his pumpkin costume. Thanks to ME!!!
5. His pj’s from his super sweet & thoughtful cousin, Tyler. It was his first package he got in the mail!!! (so many milestones!!!)
p.s. His Dad’s #1 would be his onesie that said “Arr…Change Me Booty!” (look at the Valentine’s Day entry, I refer to start posting duplicate pictures)
I am thinking of getting him the Ralph Lauren camo/skull & crossbones décor for his room…when he “graduates” to a big boy bed…Am I taking this to far???
Monday, November 9, 2009
SHOE WHORE...just like his Momma!!!
I know this title is a bit risqué, but it’s the truth! My son has more shoes than the average person has in a life time! Finding the perfect shoe for a toddler is so hard, I believe it to be an art form. To find one that is okay for your child to chew on, can’t pull off easily, doesn’t just fall off, but most of all still allows him/her to almost walk… That is definitely the ringer. Cannon walks around in most shoes, like we would in flippers. He looks like he is so uncomfy and when he musters up the courage to take a few steps on his own…looks so awkward. He definitely prefers bare feet, but sometimes I have to squish his fat little feet (also, just like his Momma’s) into some shoes.
A little “shoe history”…His first 3 months of life he lived is Trumpette argyle & striped socks, Vans’ skull & crossbones crib shoes, graduated to his first pair of Sperry topsiders (Hello, they are Fratty-tastic!), then his uber-cool black Chuck Taylors (converse), Havianas flip flops, and now…THE BEST PAIR OF SHOES, EVER….
These adorable Puma Velcro tennis shoes, they are AWESOME!!! They also have el Tigre on them, which makes them the coolest kicks on the planet! (The tiger is a Thompson family tradition, the 3c’s are definitely crazy!)
So, if you are looking for some shoes, DEFINITELY get these…they are a bit pricey ($45), but worth it because they stay on!
We are waiting on pins & needles for our little man to start walking, any day now…
A little “shoe history”…His first 3 months of life he lived is Trumpette argyle & striped socks, Vans’ skull & crossbones crib shoes, graduated to his first pair of Sperry topsiders (Hello, they are Fratty-tastic!), then his uber-cool black Chuck Taylors (converse), Havianas flip flops, and now…THE BEST PAIR OF SHOES, EVER….
These adorable Puma Velcro tennis shoes, they are AWESOME!!! They also have el Tigre on them, which makes them the coolest kicks on the planet! (The tiger is a Thompson family tradition, the 3c’s are definitely crazy!)
So, if you are looking for some shoes, DEFINITELY get these…they are a bit pricey ($45), but worth it because they stay on!
We are waiting on pins & needles for our little man to start walking, any day now…
Thursday, November 5, 2009
How I LOVE my Gigi, Let me count thy ways...
Cannon LOVES his Gigi very much. (So do I!!!) She takes such sweet care of him & is the most thoughtful, caring, and sweet person on this planet with the best hair & shoes! She is so pretty, inside and out! I just had to add these pics because I thought they were too precious. We took a little walk to Starbucks, Gigi bought Cannon a pastry, but all he wanted to do was give her lots of hugs and very slobber’ish kisses. (I swear his drool is never ending! I hope teething ends soon…) I really think I have such a pretty Mommy...
I constantly hear that I am definitely my “father’s daughter”, I don’t object. I look just like him, talk just like him, and have way entirely too many of his mannerisms (both good and bad), but the older I get the more I realize that I am a lot like my Mommy…I am lucky! These are some of my best gifts that are given to me by my Mom…
***make everyday special by saying sweet things to those you love
***HOLIDAYS, HOLIDAYS, HOLIDAYS…décor, cards, gifts, etc.
***making a house a “home”, taking pride in hosting and taking care of your guests
***spoiling little ones (NOT just with “stuff”) with storytelling, baking, bath time, bedtime…Hello Mrs. Wishy Washy!!!
***putting your loved ones before yourself
***doing as much as you can for others
***being a cheerleader
***always there to listen
I can’t brag about this extremely thoughtful person and I pray I am more like her every day. Just like Bill the baby owl in our FAVORITE book Owl Babies, I LOVE MY MOMMY!!!
I constantly hear that I am definitely my “father’s daughter”, I don’t object. I look just like him, talk just like him, and have way entirely too many of his mannerisms (both good and bad), but the older I get the more I realize that I am a lot like my Mommy…I am lucky! These are some of my best gifts that are given to me by my Mom…
***make everyday special by saying sweet things to those you love
***HOLIDAYS, HOLIDAYS, HOLIDAYS…décor, cards, gifts, etc.
***making a house a “home”, taking pride in hosting and taking care of your guests
***spoiling little ones (NOT just with “stuff”) with storytelling, baking, bath time, bedtime…Hello Mrs. Wishy Washy!!!
***putting your loved ones before yourself
***doing as much as you can for others
***being a cheerleader
***always there to listen
I can’t brag about this extremely thoughtful person and I pray I am more like her every day. Just like Bill the baby owl in our FAVORITE book Owl Babies, I LOVE MY MOMMY!!!
The SWINGER at the park...
WE are proud to say that after SERIOUS practice, our boy is a SWINGER!!! Yay…we can’t tell you how truly happy we are. It may sound a bit crazy (or a lot), but Cannon would scream bloody murder, which is extremely embarrassing when you are trying to act like the hip Mommy at the park. I don’t know why I try to be the cool, chic, hip Mom…I NEVER pull it off. Oh well…For some reason, Cannon would FREAK out when I put his patootie in the swing, but now he is really starting to come around. I am not going to lie, it’s going to take a while for us to get a HUGE one-dimple grin out of our cherub, but now he starting to like become a real SWINGER.
As you can see, we are def a family who frequents the park. We are lucky to have a cute newly renovated one a few blocks away, we often walk to on weeknights. Cannon’s favorite thing at the park is definitely playing in the big green tube on the jungle gym.
Houston is definitely Cannon's jungle gym! (We HEART Jack Johnson's Curious George Soundtrack, it's stellar for napping/bedtime!)
As you can see, we are def a family who frequents the park. We are lucky to have a cute newly renovated one a few blocks away, we often walk to on weeknights. Cannon’s favorite thing at the park is definitely playing in the big green tube on the jungle gym.
Houston is definitely Cannon's jungle gym! (We HEART Jack Johnson's Curious George Soundtrack, it's stellar for napping/bedtime!)
It is no secret that Cannon is extremely blessed to have the BEST Grandparents, ever!!! All of them spoil him rotten…the boy has everything that he could EVER ask for and more. He has the coolest toys, largest library, & overflowing designer-clad closet…(I refuse to give much away because what if Chloe-Paige, never comes and we have another boy, I will be ready, Hello Hand-me downs!) I did give Peyton, Cannon’s first pair of Sperry topsiders because they deserve some serious tread time. I know he will be lookin’ oh-so fine in Port A!
Cannon is in serious L with his Grandpa, Chris and I are practically invisible when he is around. We are completely fine with it because it gives us a nice little break. I swear sometimes it seems like he lives with us because he is here so often to see his little man. He always comments on “What a fine looking young man” he is. ( Def a shout out to Papa Garwood, Cannon’s great Great Grandfather who passed away at 101!) Cannon refuses to let Grandpa out of his sight when he is around…he even freaks out when he shuts the door to go potty! Lord, it’s ridiculous. I think the most simple things like long walks, going to the park, feeding the ducks, sharing cheerios & Goldfish, sharing a Shipley’s doughnut are the memories that will stick with Cannon for a very long time.
I am not sure how to convey the feelings I have when I see my Dad with my soon, I am such a sentimental Mom these days…I tear up just thinking about how truly blessed Cannon is. The love and relationship they have is so strong, not to make it all about me, but I feel a part of their bond, too. It’s love in its purest form. Seeing your child so much in love with someone who you think is perfect (99% of the time) makes me so thankful and forces me to realize how truly BLESSED my little family is. I LOVE my boys…and Daddy!
Cannon is in serious L with his Grandpa, Chris and I are practically invisible when he is around. We are completely fine with it because it gives us a nice little break. I swear sometimes it seems like he lives with us because he is here so often to see his little man. He always comments on “What a fine looking young man” he is. ( Def a shout out to Papa Garwood, Cannon’s great Great Grandfather who passed away at 101!) Cannon refuses to let Grandpa out of his sight when he is around…he even freaks out when he shuts the door to go potty! Lord, it’s ridiculous. I think the most simple things like long walks, going to the park, feeding the ducks, sharing cheerios & Goldfish, sharing a Shipley’s doughnut are the memories that will stick with Cannon for a very long time.
I am not sure how to convey the feelings I have when I see my Dad with my soon, I am such a sentimental Mom these days…I tear up just thinking about how truly blessed Cannon is. The love and relationship they have is so strong, not to make it all about me, but I feel a part of their bond, too. It’s love in its purest form. Seeing your child so much in love with someone who you think is perfect (99% of the time) makes me so thankful and forces me to realize how truly BLESSED my little family is. I LOVE my boys…and Daddy!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!!!

Cannon’s 1st Halloween was definitely a monumental occasion, so he was fabulously dressed for Scream on the Green. (Family-oriented Halloween event at Discovery Green in downtown Houston)
Some Seriously Funny Halloween High Lights…
***The Ventriloquist Witch who was an absolute RIOT, she (or actually was a HE) kept hitting on my Dad all nite. Hysterical!
***Meeting Jack (from Jack-In-A-Box), Chris shook his hand and hasn’t washed it for a solid week, CELEBRITY!
***Cannon hitting people on the back of the head as we walked around
***Cannon & Tyler fighting for Grandpa’s full attention 24/7, ALL weekend. Those boys LOVE Grandpa.
***Tyler constantly petting Cannon on the top of his head like he is puppy dog. Tyler thinks EVERYONE should def have a cute baby cousin.
***Gigi getting the boys the CUTEST monogrammed Trick-or-Treat bags from Pottery Barn Kids, filled with books!
***Highway 59, Page!
***Threatening to drop off Dad in Montrose on Halloween, not that’s SCARY!!!
We had such a fun family Halloween. Christopher & I definitely had the cutest pumpkin in the patch. (& best dressed, check out those leggings & Converse…what a ROCKSTAR!)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Baby, Work, School...Oh My!
Lotsa changes for the 3C’s! “Girl Chris” and “Boy Chris” are going back to school! I have decided that I am going to quit thinking about becoming a RN and just do it. Actions speak louder than words, right? So, it’s gonna be a bit chaotic for a while, but I know that it will pay off in the future. Chris is going back for another master’s degree (not a typo) that will enable him to further his career. In the meantime, I have also began working full-time, too! Did I mention our lives are about to be CRAZY?!?! My Dad always told me that idle time is the Devil’s workshop…oh so true for me!
Anyways, Cannon got super jealous when we were chatting about school, so he decided that he wanted to go, too. He LOVES to eat books and we think that proves he going to be so smart! He is going to the Big, Little School. Here is the link, check it out!
Cannon already will be the best dressed little dude in his class…he definitely has the coolest camo with skull/crossbones diaperbag, which is also his "back pack!" (Thanks, Gigi!)
Anyways, Cannon got super jealous when we were chatting about school, so he decided that he wanted to go, too. He LOVES to eat books and we think that proves he going to be so smart! He is going to the Big, Little School. Here is the link, check it out!
Cannon already will be the best dressed little dude in his class…he definitely has the coolest camo with skull/crossbones diaperbag, which is also his "back pack!" (Thanks, Gigi!)
Ready for Football Season!!!

A weekend family outing to Academy turned into a game of "dress-up" for Daddy and Cannon. I think this game is generally played by girls, but when it's football helmet and shoulder pads I assume it's a "guy-thing." If Cannon's huge smile indicates he is gonna love playing football, I will be his biggest cheerleader! However, this smile could be from his diaper leaking everywhere and he is smiling because it's getting Daddy all wet, too! Only Cannon knows the truth and he's not telling!
Cannon's New Cousin is Here!
Miss Peyton Grace has decided to "grace" us with her presence…finally! I just want to brag and show what pretty babies we have in our family…these pics are from her 1st photoshoot and she looks too plump & precious…but look at her Mommy…phenomenial! All of the Bartholomews are doing great and Miss Emily is being a BIG help to her Mommy and LOVES her little sister…Aww…we can’t wait to make a roadtrip to Georgetown to visit!

I would like to take a minute to brag, brag, brag…
-She was at the hospital every single day I was there, usually with Zoe’s in-hand.
-She was at our house, cleaning, making bottles, washing clothes, and “stealing” Cannon so I could get a shower and take a nap all the time.
-She took Cannon to the Houston Zoo for the very first time. (and trip to the bar, too. Hello BIG Woodrow’s!)
-Paid for endless meals to get Mom & baby out of the house…sushi, Zoe’s, Starbucks, Chuy’s, crawfish, etc. (I swear to reciprocate one day!)
-She bought him the coolest ginormous frame from Mommy’s favorite store, The Monogram Shop, for his baptism present setting her back at least a Comcast bill or two…
-FREE Babysitting all the time! (watched him for the very first time, while Chris and I went to a couple’s shower)
-Always willing to “hang out” at our house and “stay in” to get to hang out with the Thompsons…pretty much poolside grilling 24/7 and 90210 marathons! Thank goodness for Soapnet!
There is so much more to add to the list, but don’t want to inflate the Cougar’s head too much, but I just want her to realize what an extremely intricate part of our family circle she is and how much she means to all the 3C’s. We LOVE her so much and Cannon is the LUCKIEST kid in the entire world to have a such a sweet COUGAR to call his very own.
Meet Mr. Giraffe!
Cannon is crawling everywhere and getting into everything…his favorite toy at this moment is his Mr. Giraffe. (and Mr. Sock Monkey, Spot, etc.) We aren’t too crazy with naming our favorite plush friends, unlike Miss Emily Addison who recently named her Stegasaurus “Rhinestone.” (Rhinestone joins Ol’ Miss Mary, Bama, and Otis) Such fabulous original names!
Mr. Giraffe teaches Cannon to pull-up, stand-up, and “feed” the plastic balls in his mouth…Well, Cannon prefers to pull up and shake his booty to the ridiculous circus’ish music, oh well! Hours of fun!
Mr. Giraffe teaches Cannon to pull-up, stand-up, and “feed” the plastic balls in his mouth…Well, Cannon prefers to pull up and shake his booty to the ridiculous circus’ish music, oh well! Hours of fun!
Cannon's GodSister...Miss Abby Zito
Cannon's Godparents finally had a baby…ok, so they rescued a puppy. But, I am so thankful because it’s given Cannon a "bestie." (mine is his Auntie Claire)
He LOVES playing outside with Abby and she is so sweet with him. Abby is by far the most laid puppy, ever. She allows Cannon to crawl all over her, pull her ears, and attempt to eat her alive…all the while, with a big happy puppy-smile. MaryCatherine took these pics one afternoon while “saving the day.” She had a fun afternoon with Cannon and Abby outside in the backyard. Precious. (Cannon is in LOVE with his God Mommy and their gorgeous new home, especially the big, backyard.) I forsee, lotsa bbq’s and parties in that yard in years to come! We are so blessed to have the Zitos in our family!
He LOVES playing outside with Abby and she is so sweet with him. Abby is by far the most laid puppy, ever. She allows Cannon to crawl all over her, pull her ears, and attempt to eat her alive…all the while, with a big happy puppy-smile. MaryCatherine took these pics one afternoon while “saving the day.” She had a fun afternoon with Cannon and Abby outside in the backyard. Precious. (Cannon is in LOVE with his God Mommy and their gorgeous new home, especially the big, backyard.) I forsee, lotsa bbq’s and parties in that yard in years to come! We are so blessed to have the Zitos in our family!
"Hey Babe, It's the 4th of July..."

I HEART that Shooter song. Cannon’s very 1st Fourth of July was extremely festive and patriotic! Of course, I forced him to wear a white/blue striped terrycloth zip-up poolside and then to the fireworks we topped it (literally) with a red wide-brimmed hat, precious! His Auntie Val made a delicious and healthy 4th-themed berry cake that looked like the American Flag and it was delicious! We celebrated at the newly engaged, soon-to-be Dyers’ mansion. We grilled burgers and hotdogs and relaxed poolside. Coincidentially, the Dyers have a patriotic painted longhorn as long décor where I found a perfect photo op. Cute! Cannon LOVED the pool and fell asleep during the fireworks. How does a kid sleep through fireworks?!? I guess it was way passed his bedtime because he was so sleepy...Aww…My red, white, and blue baby was pooped! (and got a bit too much sun, too!)
Let's go to Luckenbach, Texas...(and Hunt, too!)
Cannon is "On the Road, again..." with Willie, Waylon, and the boys...
He LOVED Luckenbach and drinkin' a few coldies with his Daddy...actually, Dad drinks and Cannon sucks on the cool glass bottle. (When you have a teething baby, you live by the motto "Whatever Works!")
After Luckenbach, we road-triped to Hunt, Texas. Absolutely beautiful. We stayed at this gorgeous house on the river that had private access to the Guadalupe. Cannon is such a water baby and a river rat for sure! He loved tubing with us and chilling in the water. Not to mention naps under a big tree, which allowed the adults to partake in some fun.
He LOVED Luckenbach and drinkin' a few coldies with his Daddy...actually, Dad drinks and Cannon sucks on the cool glass bottle. (When you have a teething baby, you live by the motto "Whatever Works!")
After Luckenbach, we road-triped to Hunt, Texas. Absolutely beautiful. We stayed at this gorgeous house on the river that had private access to the Guadalupe. Cannon is such a water baby and a river rat for sure! He loved tubing with us and chilling in the water. Not to mention naps under a big tree, which allowed the adults to partake in some fun.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
You Scream, I Scream...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
"Summertime" is "Swimmy-time"...
I admit that I miss my "swimming dates" with my bestie Claire in New Braunfels so much! Nothing compares to a nice relaxing swim in the late afternoon heat. I also miss grabbing a few drinks and fish tacos afterwards at Janie's Table. Unfortunately, those days are gone and I have new "swimming dates" with my little man. I swear he LOVES the water. We are blessed to have a beautiful pool with lavish greenery that provides the perfect place for a nap after an afternoon full of sun. He also LOVES ice chips and popsicles outside, too! (just like his Mommy)
Easter with the Duckies!

I can't brag enough about what a PHENOMENAL job my good friend and photographer-extraordinaire Chelsea Lietz did on taking pictures of Cannon at her house out in the country. Check all of these out...she is ah-mazing and so good with the little ones. I was extremely happy with them, they are too perfect. Of course, my favorite one is Cannon with the ducks. We were so impressed that both Cannon and the the duckies were being so photogenic. Later, we found out that one of the little ducks were taking a poop. Oh well! If you need any pics taken you should definitely contact her...this is her website. Tell her I sent ya her direction...
Kiss Me, I'm Irish!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Geaux Tigers!!! or Get Your Guns Up!!!
Cannon is so dang confused if he is going to be a Red Raider like his Mommy or Daddy...or a tiger like his Aunt Valerie. (even though he thinks she is a cougar, NOT a tiger!)
Personally, I am pretty sure he is much happier with the double "T" on his chest...
(Luckily, NOT on his ankle!)
Lotsa Walking...Lotsa STARBUCKS...Little Sleep!

I think this was the time that was hardest with our little man because I swear all he wanted to do was go walking (and nap) in the stroller outside. He didn't want to sleep in his own bed during normal bedtime hours. Despite the cold weather, the sunshiny walks provided me with more happiness that I can explain. Simply being outside is truly the best medicine!
Luckily, for me we have a Starbucks about 2 blocks from our house. I don't want to know the amount of Venti Skinny Vanilla Lattes that I consumed during that month. Disgusting! I can barely stomach one now and prefer a more "economical-friendly" coffee with Splenda.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Our First Very Merry Christmas!
I admit to going a bit overboard during the holiday season...I both blame and thank my own mother for this gene. Before the holidays I was in the "nesting" phase and found comfort cruising the aisles at Hobby Lobby. When the seasonal stuff went 50% off I filled my shopping cart to the limit. I even put Candy Cane lights on our porch that also transitioned to Raider Red during our fabulous Texas Tech Football season. On Christmas Eve, I forced our little family to wear matching pajamas while awaiting Santa's arrival. We had such a fun time, but realized that next year we will most likely pick one city to be in and stay because traveling with a little one is pure chaos! The loot that our little man got was absolutely ridiculous. He was a mere month old and according to Santa was definitely on the "good boy list" and had a plethora of gifts to prove his exceptional behavior. While driving on Highway 59 from Rockport to Houston our Tahoe resembled Santa's sleigh.
Our first Christmas was truly the BEST Christmas, ever!
Happy Birthday Cannon!
Cannon has officially arrived and I am truly the happiest Mommy, ever! It's a completely overwhelming concoction of emotions that I am experiencing right now, but the abundance of LOVE is something I have never felt before. After Cannon was placed in my arms I knew he was all mine (I am willing to share him with Chris, too!) and it was our responsibility to take complete care of him. I am going to remember as much as possible and tell you EVERYTHING about November 24th, 2009, which is the day my sweet little cherub came to visit. (I guess he finally received his eviction notice from his impatient mommy)
I had a TERRIBLE night on the 27th, I was tossing and turning unable to fall asleep. My back ached so bad I spent the majority of time in the bath tub counting sheep. (Actually, I do remember singing "100 Bottles of Beers On The Wall" in the tub, honest!) Unfortunately, I never was able to fall asleep for more than a few minutes at a time. As Chris left for work, I was forced under oath to call him the minute I felt anything whatsoever. I swore. (Later, I will reveal that I lied.)
It was about 9:30 am when I simply couldn't bear anymore pain and got concerned. I called Dr. Joycutty's office and scheduled a quick appointment to make sure everything was going accordingly. I found out my doctor was called out for an emergency and I would be seen by one of her partners. I simply thought this would be fine because I was really just hoping for some drugs to numb the back pain and maybe something to induce a full night of rest. WRONG! I found out that I was in already dilated and officially in labor! I was whisked away straight to the Labor & Delivery ward of Memorial Hermann.
Meanwhile, Chris was at lunch with his co-workers when he got "the call." He said I am on my way straight home to come get you. Imagine his shock when I calmly instructed him to come straight to the hospital and gave him a lengthy list for a quick stop at Target. He arrived about an hour later expecting a much more dramatic scene than what he encountered. I was in a bed watching t.v. wishing I had eaten before my quick stop at the doctor's office. I had planned on going to Zoe's for lunch after my appointment, not straight to the labor & delivery ward where the only food that they would allow me was ice chips. Was I having a baby or being put on the strictest diet. Honestly, after the epidural I didn't care. Drowsiness came, comatosing my pain and after I did not fully dilate I was being put on the operation table for a necessary c-section. We were going to have to force our little man out!
I will leave all the details out that happened in the operation room. All I can divulge is that Christopher turned a bit ghostly and I saw everything! I remember seeing them put Cannon on the scale and I thought he was a giant. Later, I found out that was a preemie scale. He was perfect, but most of all healthy. Weighing in at 8 lbs. & 10 oz and 22 inches long, our little blue-eyed baby boy had arrived!
I had a TERRIBLE night on the 27th, I was tossing and turning unable to fall asleep. My back ached so bad I spent the majority of time in the bath tub counting sheep. (Actually, I do remember singing "100 Bottles of Beers On The Wall" in the tub, honest!) Unfortunately, I never was able to fall asleep for more than a few minutes at a time. As Chris left for work, I was forced under oath to call him the minute I felt anything whatsoever. I swore. (Later, I will reveal that I lied.)
It was about 9:30 am when I simply couldn't bear anymore pain and got concerned. I called Dr. Joycutty's office and scheduled a quick appointment to make sure everything was going accordingly. I found out my doctor was called out for an emergency and I would be seen by one of her partners. I simply thought this would be fine because I was really just hoping for some drugs to numb the back pain and maybe something to induce a full night of rest. WRONG! I found out that I was in already dilated and officially in labor! I was whisked away straight to the Labor & Delivery ward of Memorial Hermann.
Meanwhile, Chris was at lunch with his co-workers when he got "the call." He said I am on my way straight home to come get you. Imagine his shock when I calmly instructed him to come straight to the hospital and gave him a lengthy list for a quick stop at Target. He arrived about an hour later expecting a much more dramatic scene than what he encountered. I was in a bed watching t.v. wishing I had eaten before my quick stop at the doctor's office. I had planned on going to Zoe's for lunch after my appointment, not straight to the labor & delivery ward where the only food that they would allow me was ice chips. Was I having a baby or being put on the strictest diet. Honestly, after the epidural I didn't care. Drowsiness came, comatosing my pain and after I did not fully dilate I was being put on the operation table for a necessary c-section. We were going to have to force our little man out!
I will leave all the details out that happened in the operation room. All I can divulge is that Christopher turned a bit ghostly and I saw everything! I remember seeing them put Cannon on the scale and I thought he was a giant. Later, I found out that was a preemie scale. He was perfect, but most of all healthy. Weighing in at 8 lbs. & 10 oz and 22 inches long, our little blue-eyed baby boy had arrived!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
...and i AM alive and Cannon Park IS here (and is 6 months old!)

Omigoodness! I know that it has been a LONG time since my last update, I am upset with myself for not keeping this up, but will try my damnest to keep this as up-to-date as I possibly can. I am actually contemplating changing this blog's maintitle to "All About Cannon" because I know that is what I am curtailing it to. This is my medium to let all my loved ones see my little man because the majority of my closest friends and family live at least 200 miles away, is this a coincidence? A lot of moving and shaking has found me a bit nomadic in the past and I am blessed to have friends that I call family in every zip code.
So, to make up for lost time I am going to post a few of my favorite pics from each month and highlight with as much verbage as I can remember.
So, I have officially moved to "Mommywood!" (I am on the verge of being Tori Spelling's biggest fan post-90210 due to "Tori & Dean's Home Sweet Hollywood," sTORI Telling, and Mommywood. It is definitely my guiltiest pleasure!)
So, to make up for lost time I am going to post a few of my favorite pics from each month and highlight with as much verbage as I can remember.
So, I have officially moved to "Mommywood!" (I am on the verge of being Tori Spelling's biggest fan post-90210 due to "Tori & Dean's Home Sweet Hollywood," sTORI Telling, and Mommywood. It is definitely my guiltiest pleasure!)
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